Re: S2U2 v2.34 is Now Available :)
Ok... I never believed it, but now I do. S2U2 is KILLING my battery. My battery has been draining quicker and quicker. I hard reset my TP2 the Sunday. Installed everything I had, except S2U2. Ran it all day yesterday... never charged up, with regular use, and at about 10:30pm my battery was at 78%. Today... same thing, but WITH S2U2 installed. Same usage, but it's 4:28 and battery is at 52%!
So... as much as I love S2U2, I just can't take the drain. Is anyone noticed this, to this extreme? I'm running 2.34. Suggest an older version? I'm not a fan of the stock lock, but to save this much battery... I guess I'll have to be.
I saw somewhere else some "better" settings for it, i.e. GDI vs. RawBuffer vs. DirectDraw. Any suggestions to test out?