Originally Posted by Overmann
That's the RAM Free according to Android... tops 38 MB free.
I fixed the problem of APM settings going byebye, but unfortunately, I have yet to get the data to connect, although voice connects (which speakers don't work so :/). I am wondering how you have to set up the #777 settings in APM and whatnot.
Well you should be able to add the APN no problem, but I'm on the RAPH800. Like I said before, development in the RAPH500 department is lagging. So much so that I don't think they've opened up the other channel for RAM within the 500, so that is why you are so low on RAM. There was a development (2 months ago?) that added a second bank of RAM to Android's available pool. That helped a lot of issues, and probably never made it to the 500's kernel.
BTW, what package are you using for the 500? The last kernel I found for the 500 was from 09/2009...