Originally Posted by rogelio rios
OK I hadnt got to check out pod-cast early but i did and saw what you were talking about. I deleted the topic it was posted by one of my members. As far as a bomb on my site no , no one has blown up so I guess there is none. I noticed you always seem to be in my threads , taking jabs when you can. Iam glad you have the time to do that , I cant because I have a life. Hahahahaha And when I become VIP it will be because of points not post. Have a Great day!!!!
no problem, its just 3d anti terrorist is a known program that costs people insane money on their long distance bill by calling foreign countries while you're asleep.
i saw as of today, this morning, that malware was on "your" personal forum.
I mostly did it as a heads up for people that might not be familiar. Im glad you found my post helpful and deleted the thread.
You'll be seeing alot more of me, as i have a big project I've been working on behind the scenes that's at Release Candidate grade, and believe be nor posts nor status mean much to me, more so, it's the help i can supply to anyone in need.
have a good one Rogelio, i wish you all the best in your VIP endeavors