Originally Posted by juicy.cook
Hm, I used a dumped ROM. Maybe that is why I am still having the reception thing. But because everything is good right now I will not touch anything. lol. I will just wait for the next update and do a proper dance, without a dumped ROM. Thanks for the help.
No problem. Yeah, if it aint broke, dont fix it

Not sure I follow on "still having the reception thing"? Do you mean your signal icon in the taskbar is searching constantly? If so there have been a bunch of posts (some of them mine) lately about applying a signal fix cab, they are generally taskbar specific.
But to Dance properly you do need to get your hands on a shipped ROM. There is a slim chance your dumped ROM includes the radio but that would not be the norm.
Would flashing a new radio, without the ROM, help any? Or is it only beneficial when used with the stock exe ROMs?
I've wondered that myself.
My GUESS is no:
The issue with a bad flash is that some files may have been written to locations (the radio) that they should not have been.
The radio flash does not do a complete device wipe so if you have files in the wrong place I doubt the radio flash would suffice.
Could be wrong.