Originally Posted by jj4201998
What exactly is rooting, will it void my warrenty, how do you do it?
Quick "What Is?" for rooting
I suggest you read this sticky thread by ThaCounty, as well as the others before you start doing these procedures
Here is a good rooting guide from
XDA that I use.
Here is the steps, just DL the files from the link. There are other ways, read the thread I linked to by ThaCounty.
Download flashrec, Amon RA Recover Image 1.6.2 and a ROM of your choice. You can use the one in the post just to get started, it doesn't matter. Do this exactly.
Step 1: Mount the sd card and place all the files downloaded onto the root of the sdcard. (Make sure you are NOT placing these files within any folders on your SD, put them directly on the Root of the card.)
Step 2: Download some sort of file manager, ex Estrongs File Manager, and run/open the flashrec apk. (I would search EStrong from the market, but either will work. Once you have it installed, use the program to run Flashrec)
Step 3: Once it's finished installing, unplug the usb cable, run the app, and hit the button, "backup recovery image". If you get an error, try rebooting your phone, make sure the usb cable is unplugged.
Step 4: Exit app, and mount the sd card again, and move recovery-backup.img to your desktop, then rename recovery-RA-heroc-v1.6.2.img to recovery-backup.img (Once you rename this file to "recovery-backup" put it on the Root of your SD Card, after you move the original back-up to your desktop and delete it off the SD Card)
Step 5: Unmount sdcard, unplug usb cable, and go back into the flashrec app(should be named recovery flasher in all programs list)
Step 6: hit restore backup image. Once finished flashing, power down phone.
Step 7: After you power down your phone, hold the Vol Down button, then hold down the power button. Phone should boot into hboot. Press home for recovery.
Step 8: To ensure you have a backup of your phone before we continue, do a nandroid v2.2 backup.
Step 9: After the nandroid backup is complete, you can now choose apply "sd card update choose", and choose the rom you have downloaded and placed onto the root of your SD Card. You should wipe before flashing the ROM.
Step 10: Reboot your phone and you should be all set.
This will get you done completely. Just go step by step. I didn't even watch the video honestly.