Originally Posted by Timberwolf671
No, the program will still be there, just not running at startup. What program are wanting to use in place of Arkswitch?
I'm not really wanting to use anything in replace. Just makes start-up more time consuming. It also seems to freeze when I use it to close programs. So, I don't know. Not really complaining. lol
Aside from that. I've been noticing a lot of glitches it seems, more so icons flashing. (EV, icons and such). Phone hang up causes a full phone freeze sometimes, and when you accidentally call someone and immediate hit end, it likes to freeze. Listening to music with WPM through my blue-tooth, it would 'skip' a little. Blue-tooth couldn't be started one time until soft reset. The TF clock would disappear sometimes, until soft reset. The bottom start menu sometimes goes white, or black, and stops functioning.. SMS freezes, fixable with soft reset, but messages won't send or receive until it is working again. When it gets like that, it ends up having tmail process open four-five times. (Looked with memaid.)
I think that is about it. If I come across anymore, I'll be sure to put it on here.
I'm a major fan of this rom. I haven't had the need or want to customize it like I would all the others. Even with the minor annoying issues, still won't bring me off of it. :P Major props.
I just noticed you have released an up date. I'll await you next up date in a few says. :P Buuut these problems were coming from v.4.2
Ps I don't want to see the wolves go. *Tear*