Originally Posted by Deimoss
remember kids. Google is your friend. Use him
can't believe someone cropped up a crosshairs image, before the OP could even use the powers of logic to google search the term he did not understand.
btw. Pictures are crystal clear in the right conditions, i.e good natural light, and steady hold of the camera, also allow it to auto focus until the crosshairs turn htc green 
the real cross hairs were a joke. as you can see,, i went back within 3 min. to add a real pic of the "cross hairs" that were referenced. sorry it took me 3 min. to take a screenshot. also the little t or x is accually called touch focus indicator. i dont think googleing crosshairs wouldve helped the ops problem with bad foucus. but thanks for your help anyway. ill even hit your thanks button.