Scrapped? Of Course Not!
Firstly, I have not been at liberty to say anything recently and still am a bit confined to what i can and can't say...Another note is that i speak directly to Max so any news or info i give is 100% accurate and true.
Max was very close to MaxSense release. So close he even had given beta testers a release date.. Once that happened beta group got very active and a lot of ideas started to arise. What came out of all the ideas? A Revamping of Maxsense.. Such a revamp that it does not make sense to release what he had almost completed... Lots of new things already being integrated... i would not consider this a something that is going to take forever... Max is making good progress and we will definitely see a MaxSense release in the near future... Stay tuned to this thread for ANY & ALL Updates..
Whats new in MaxSense Revamp?
= Everything on home screen is Widgetized!
= New Bottom Softkey Bar has many new buttons and functions for home screen & ALL manila tabs.
= Home screen alert/notifications do more than just display text and take you to tab
More Detail to Come
For Now my BigCo0ie ROM will be My Focus for this thread... Working Very Nice for me and will release monday!