Originally Posted by adortab
Right now i have both 23557 and 21874 running on both phones (full 3 days already...new record!! lol)
21874 - faster, way more stable, better battery life, easier to apply mods... in my opinion.. works better.. (It's an official release... since was the one included on the stock roms for a few models...)
23557 - looks better, notifications, etc.... (it's a beta release... pretty good one i guess, but does have a few glitches... it's a pain in the neck, cause it seems every week a new release shows up, and sometimes its not as good as we would like ... 23554 for example ... so it's harder to keep up, ...)
Well, i do prefer 21874 rather stable and useful than beautiful and painful ... MyCleanImagio is getting pretty close (I guess) to what I would call "my final" release with 1.8 (graphics cleanup, etc...) the past three days were great to test it... i've been reading the foruns, even on the other roms available, and the errors/bugs/setup learning issues reported (that i could replicate) were fixed/improved... (speed, memory management on preload items, lockscreen with all notifications working properly including simple pin lock code, start menu organization/clean up, phone canvas with all options for cdma/gsm interacting way smoother with 21874, gsensor auto-rotate with proper settings for many programs, new Bing 5.1 working properly with location, a few packages updated to the latest available...etc... too many... it's fun...)
I'm just another user like everyone... so please no flames about my opinion on 235xx, as I said, it's just my opinion...
Btw, i'm very please to see that a few people were sticked with older versions of MyCleanImagio... that means it may have worked out good for them... I do recommend to try the new versions specially the customized build (Light Verizon is the "lightest" of the customized build version), since they do have all/full settings and/or improvements offered with this project... plus, can be customized the same way...)