Originally Posted by ShadowDrake
Thanks given again to both I'm so surprised to have a ROM that runs for now, all of my last attempts resulted in lockups within a few hours... and I still can't find a ROM that's what I want. It's pretty disheartening to be stuck the way I was before... maybe I'll be able to contribute something finally too. Thanks again.
man im proud of you. it took me about 6 months to get my first rom (on my diamond) up and running right.. now i can contribute with 2 years of cooking
its gonna take you a while to get the right reg edits that you want to configure it how you like. i literally just got my most recent custom rom to be exactly how i want it (start menu organized, custom background and splash, custom tabs, and ect...)
all i need to do now is learn how to do more random stuff and be good to go...