Originally Posted by ChaosTheory
So after using Android almost exclusively on my phone for the last week or so, I have decided I would like to do what I can to help completion along. I am not sure if I am capable of helping but would like to offer assistance in any way I can. This platform is awesome and since I have to wait a year (when my current contract is up) before I can get an actual android phone (assuming my carrier has them by then  ) I would like to get this one as usable as possible.
I have created my own ROM for the TP a while back (Chaos ROM) based on Calkulin's kitchen, so I do have some experience in that area.
I am a web designer, so have a fairly good grasp on general coding syntax, etc.
I do NOT have a data plan, so anything regarding that is best left to someone else. I do use my wi-fi connection quite extensively for similar purpose though.
I am also a husband and father, so time is not abundant, but I would like to help.
So if anyone knows how I can help, a task I can work on, etc. let me know 
I wish I had a good list of things to do that would be helpful, but I don't really know. I haven't spent much time on android lately myself, so I can't really give great direction.
I wish some people with extra devices could jump in and start playing around with flashing/accessing NAND from Android, because that seems like it'd be a big step in the right direction.
Of course, if you're willing to jump into the C code and try to figure it out, then there's all sorts of things that could be worked on -- but that's a lot of effort, and after looking at it for 6 months, I'm still not much use at it, so I wouldn't recommend it to anyone else, unless you're interested for your own edification.
My suggestion is just to find the things you use your phone for, the features that are lacking, and try to figure out why. Like the folks here have done with MMS -- you might not be able to get everything working, but you'll start to figure out what works and what needs fixing.