So after using Android almost exclusively on my phone for the last week or so, I have decided I would like to do what I can to help completion along. I am not sure if I am capable of helping but would like to offer assistance in any way I can. This platform is awesome and since I have to wait a year (when my current contract is up) before I can get an actual android phone (assuming my carrier has them by then
) I would like to get this one as usable as possible.
I have created my own ROM for the TP a while back (Chaos ROM) based on Calkulin's kitchen, so I do have some experience in that area.
I am a web designer, so have a fairly good grasp on general coding syntax, etc.
I do NOT have a data plan, so anything regarding that is best left to someone else. I do use my wi-fi connection quite extensively for similar purpose though.
I am also a husband and father, so time is not abundant, but I would like to help.
So if anyone knows how I can help, a task I can work on, etc. let me know