Originally Posted by Whotahn
Yo what up gansters??? Bad weather has me home running errands for momma....and some stuff for my sons school... Been hella busy lately....haven't dissappeared... working in the field during the days now so gettin online is tougher since the field is in BFE and often sat phones even fall into this Kansas version of the bermuda triangle.....Dead zones even the great V can't seem to fix.....Still no Pc for me either so still fully mobile, no matter how much I love my TP2 I am sick of only having it for the damn internet....  Can't get chit done!
Anyways Nice work on these latest jams XYC....been runnin GTX gonna flash back to the Dark side today! Time for Mr.Hyde to come out and play.....:twisted Gonna play catch up on the thread as much as I can today.
trust me when i say i know how you feel about being mobile all the time!! i too was there just weeks ago,and i hope you can get back up and running soon man!