Originally Posted by p-slim
You're wrong. sprint isn't making a dime off sero users. its funny you think those 29.99 plans are whats keeping sprint alive. if that was the case why not just make all plans that price, they would kill the market. They are still the top 3 provider and the only reason att is up there is because of the iphone, that simple.
Some wild and interesting thoughts in this thread. So I'll just give my .02 to it.
1. Sprint has to be making money off my SERO plan in the very least. My wife and I use a combined 1GB or less of bandwidth per month and routinely go way under our minutes and sometimes have to pay overages. I also have TEP as well. I am 100% sure Sprint makes money off of my two 30$ per month SERO plans. (probably not much, but that's not the point).
Now, some people are abusing their SERO plans and tethering like crazy and using google voice for a billion minutes a month. I am sure Sprint is losing money off of those.
I am very thankful and loyal to Sprint for offering such a low price and I basically paid full price for my TP2.
I've had this plan now for 3 years and I knew it wouldn't last forever. Although I do agree that Sprint would probably be better served to allow their exclusive devices to work with SERO, and I'd even be willing to pay a monthly surcharge to keep my plan. In the end, Sprint is hemorrhaging customers and money, and can use all of the loyal customers they can get.