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Old 04-15-2010, 09:45 PM
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Re: I'm ready to upgrade from the TP2...

Originally Posted by mobius999 View Post
An HD2 now would be a mistake. Since it's not getting W7, you're gonna be stuck with an obsolete OS. Unless you plan on running a ported android build, but in that case, I'd just buy the droid phone coming end of the month.
not if you are a 2phone a year person, like so many on here are. there is someone already running a functional wp7 on the hd2, based off of the wp7 emulator for devs to test on, so it can handle it. microsoft hasn't made up its mind yet anyways on that issue.
Some of us aren't gonna jump straight to wp7 when it comes out, so if you want the HP of the HD2, I can understand that.

personally, I'm waiting for a wp7/6.5.3/android slider with sprint 4g. but I probably won't get anything till late next winter (about a year from now), even though I am eligible sooner.

and for the camera, try taking that plastic lens cover off the back cover and see how much better it gets. but yeah, it needs a flash.

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