Originally Posted by dapbmonkey4u
we have covered this. Can't use the Mini locker with a pin, you are going to need to flash away, come back, and set either windows lock as default or the manila locker under the CHT editor. good luck.
@XYC I keep getting an error when I try to enter CHTeditor from the homescreen saying it is not installed, but if I go into the Tweaks folder it is there and I can use it just fine? Bad link?
Yeah, I don't know what's up with that. Kind of pisses me off. All of the ROMs being put out today will have that error until I can nail it down. Unfortunately, I can't cook and edit the packages at the same time. Still have 6 more to cook up. Prob not going to get Dusk finished tonight. VZW and Sprint, maybe. USCC and Telus will prob have to wait till morning.