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Old 04-15-2010, 01:31 AM
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Re: I'm ready to upgrade from the TP2...

Originally Posted by WhiteBlazer01 View Post
Wirelessly posted (HTC Touch Pro 2: Opera/9.80 (Windows Mobile; WCE; Opera Mobi/WMD-50430; U; en) Presto/2.4.13 Version/10.00)

Short Version:
Is Verizon coming out with an awesomer phone than the TP2 any time soon - something HD2-esque? (Keyboard & OS optional)

Long Version:
So I'm seriously considering switching from Verizon TP2 to T-Mobile HD2. For the longest time I've INSISTED on the keyboard, but I can't be so stubborn and set in my ways, I need to adapt. The HD2 is a much better phone, except without a keyboard. So now that I'm passed that, I am hesitant to switch because T-Mobile is known to have poor cell coverage and service. I've been spoiled by Verizon for 9 years, and I would hate to have lesser service for a better phone.

So without turning this into yet another service provider discussion, is Verizon thinking about possibly considering bringing an HD2 type phone, or maybe a successor to the TP2? Sprint is coming out with the EVO in the next 2 months (word is July), and I would consider that as Sprint has much better service than T-Mobile, but I'm not sure I'm ready to switch to Android just yet. I most likely will when WM7 comes out (absolutely not a fan of the move towards an M$ iPhone). So what's the scoop? Should I stick it out with Big Red, or should I take advantage of the fact that I'm out of contract?
The successor to the TP2, just like the whole TP line so far, will only be a marginal upgrade (rumored). It is rumored to be @600mhz, which isnt enough for WM7, so you are stuck with an obsolete device with old hardware already. And realistically, phone hardware hasnt advanced like computer hardware did.

here is my example,

All of my phones i have had
Dash- 200mhz, 64 Ram
TP - 528mhz, 192 Ram (best phone i ever had)
TP2- 528mhz, 288 Ram (only have because my TP broke 4 times, so they gave me one)

Hopefully, Evo- 1000mhz, 512 Ram

So it seems that it takes about 3 yrs for the next big thing, which is really the time to get a phone. So if you get the top shit now, you wont really need a new phone for quite a while. Thats what I am aiming to do at least
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