Originally Posted by EGOvoruhk
I'm on Sprint and everything is installing and running fine for me. I've installed the task manager, Facebook, Engadet, and Maps. Try formatting your card and starting over
Originally Posted by Technix2002
That lack of storage space message you are getting might not be related to just this distro because I updated to a later zimage with the main distro in this thread and I'm now getting that same message too. I'd love to figure it out, but I don't have a clue why its is doing this. My data.img claims to have 177MB free in Android and yet I'm still seeing these out of space errors. FYI
I'm thinking Technix is right - I'm on latest kernel (as of today). Must be a kernel issue. Is best place to report this #htc-linux, or on glemsom autobuild site?