How To Flash A Kernel
Must be unlocked for this to work!!!!
First of all, download the Nexus One kernel you want. You should have a zimage file.
Copy it to c:\AndroidSDK\Tools folder.
Turn on USB Debugging on the phone.
Reboot your phone and hold in the trackball while its booting up and go into Fastboot.
Open a command prompt and change to the C:\AndroidSDK\Tools folder.
Then type fastboot flash zimage zImage. It should only take a few seconds.
Now boot into recovery and go to Wipe. Then you should Wipe Cache and Wipe Battery Stats (if you want).
Now reboot into Android. Connect it to a PC (with USB Debugging still on).
Finally, in order to get WiFi working, your kernel should have come with a bcm2349.ko file. You need to push this onto the device.
Open a command prompt and go to c:\AndroidSDK\Tools again. Type adb devices and make sure your device is listed.
If it is, then type adb remount then type adb push bcm4329.ko /system/lib/modules/bcm4329.ko. Again, it should only take a few seconds.
Reboot again and you should be good to go.