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Old 04-14-2010, 09:10 AM
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Re: [ROM] [04-10-10] MR.X Sense 2.5_2012 [Build 21889.5.0.87]

I need some help, i'll try to keep this short... When the 4/10 release came out I did task 29, reformatted my SD card, flashed the new rom, and was then unable to establish an active sync connection or get GPS lock. My laptop would recognize the device but Active sync wouldn't. flash back to stock....then 4/10...still same problem...back to stock, then 3/5, got gps but no active sync... then I removed my SD card and...BAM!! active sync worked. went back to 4/10 with no SD card and still couldn't get GPS lock so I went back to 3/5 and I'm still getting the SD card issue. If I pull the SD card, active sync will recognize it. The card is formatted FAT32...PNY 4gb Micro SD HC... please help
p.s. I have already restarted laptop and re-installed Active sync. soft reset phone a coulpe times
........Also running Andriod when I feel crazy........
Don't forget to hit THANKS!!!!!!

Last edited by Srt4inSC; 04-14-2010 at 09:17 AM. Reason: make problem more clear
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