Re: Smartgear works great on Touch Pro 2! NES! Genesis!
Originally Posted by THE-COPS
I believe he/she is talking about flashram, or eeprom saves, such as with Legend of Zelda, Final Fantasy, Crystalis.... etc. I have not had a chance to try out the newest version of your emu yet. Still have an old 1.0.4 release that is a bit outdated. The native save files are usually from 4kb - 16kb depending on the game. The save usually occurs in game, say after hitting a certain point, or by moving your character to a certain location such as an Inn where it prompts if you want to save or not after resting.
Sorry if this may've seemed obvious, but I wasn't sure if you understood what was being asked.
Yes. This is what I am referring to. The Dragon Warrior series uses battery saves as well. These native battery saves would be transferable to other emulators and vice-versa.
Last edited by aldamon; 04-14-2010 at 09:03 AM.