Originally Posted by jasonsf
Anybody upgrade Co0kie's Home Tab to 1.7 yet? Pocketnow.com has a nice video demo.
Yessir! It's fricken sweet!
I am however seeing a few small issues. Co0kie says you gotta uninstall old version first but as it's cooked into SKI that aint happenin'
I installed anyway the issues are minor IMO.
Screen fit issues namely the CHT lock sliders-Manila wont work for me so I say dont use it, WM is there but barely at the bottom of the screen, and HD Mini works ok.
I'm using the Notificaiton Bar and it said I had a SMS when I didnt but the next one that came in cleared that right up.
I'm using the compact slider mod and the icon to bring up the slider was gone at one point. I just hit the hard Home key and it's been fine since.
Finally on the compact analog clock my city name is running into the temp but it is a long name. (No it's not Tampa
) Just FYI.
I still say install it and have fun, if you run into anything major just uninstall.
I wont post any issues over at xda because I didnt uninstall 1.6 first but read the thread to stay up on any quirks: