Originally Posted by darren.wlsn1
did you see my post with working nascar cab? wasnt sure if you found one too or not. roms very fast btw and startmenu icons look nice.
yessir, i actually updated nascar and football last night after i released 11.5
i dunno if its that important to do another update to r11 or not for them.
For any1 that wants to update them, but want the icons to be correct, its kind of a pain, but heres how u could do it.
Install the cabs, go into \Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Sprint\ and delete the nascar and nfl .lnk's. Now go back to \Windows\Start Menu\Programs
and "Cut" the new nascar and football .lnk's and place them back into \Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Sprint\. Now You are going to have to add/change some reg's to make the icons work.
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Security\Shell\StartInfo\Start\Sprint\Sprint Football Live.lnk]
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Security\Shell\StartInfo\Start\Sprint\NASCAR Sprint Cup Mobile.lnk]
Hope this helps.