Originally Posted by kvictor017
Thanks for the cab and the site. The cab didn't work for some reason. I still get the same message that I'm unable to download an mms from someone. Now im able to send somethng to myself, but it doesn't seem to work w/ anyone else.
I had the same issue and for me it was because Arcosft never totally uninstalls. I had to do the steps below:
1. disable sense 2.5 and use sktools to kill the tmail.exe process
2. use rescro registry or any registry tool you have to blow away the arcsoft key and then use sktools to scan my registry to see if anything was left over an deleted all that it found.
2. delete any message in the out box that are stuck still trying to send from your previous tests; and reset the phone
3. Once it is back up use sktools to check the the tmail.exe proces is still not running and if it is kill it; then installed the version I wanted and reset the phone again
4. send test to my sister who has TMobile and it has worked perfectly every since
I do it this way each time I change my ROM as it has been the only sure way that i can get MMS working with no hitches as for as Verizon is concerned anyway.
Arcsoft can be tricky to get working but it does work. I just did it again as I was on the April 12th version of the Energy Sense ROM but my service went to crap so I went back to the previous version and I think I am flasjhing one last time when I get home back to the April 8th ROM as it was the most stable for me, battery, speed, mms and all were exceptional

Sorry for the lengthy explanation but if it can help you get it going then it was worth it as I know until I tried this method MMS was a headache to function anytime I used Energy's ROM. The only ROM I have tried that it worked without this type of install was Medium HILL and Mr X but I came back to Energy as his ROMS has what I want at this time 6.5.x, IE6 cooked in and yes I know it is hated by most but I need it to reach some of the websites that I have to go to so I have to have it installed on the occasions that I do use it, as well as stability and Energy meets all that where as the others are still in progress, but they are great ROMS as well as I think all the cooks on PPC do great work it is just a matter of taste and what you are looking for and right now Energy Roms resolve all my items

Good luck and if you still need help feel free to PM me if you want and I will try my best to try and help you get it working, be blessed.