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Old 04-13-2010, 12:29 AM
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Question Keep VZW TP2 or swith to TMo and HD2????

I found a local Radio Shack that has the HD2 in stock, and they just dropped their price to match the WalMart $150 in store price. I am near 90% in favor of dumping VZW and my TP2 for TMo and the HD2. I am just worried about 3 things:

1) how good is the signal strength of T-Mobile compared to VZW in the Dallas area, and perhaps the Orange County area of SoCal? I got sick and tired of poor reception with AT&T with my BB Bold, but have not been too thrilled either with VZW signal strength and the speed of my TP2. Would it be any better with T-Mobile in the 2 areas I would mostly be in? *** I have heard that T-Mobile is supposedly working hard to strengthen and extend their network. Is that true too?

2) I have somewhat "large" fingers So the virtual keyboard on my TP2 is not as easy to use as the slide out keyboard. Would the HD2 virtual keyboard be much larger, and better spaced, than the TP2 seeing as the screen is huge? And would the landscape keyboard be nice and large? I have to ask, because every YouTube video review I have watched pretty much never shows the keyboard. They are more into showing the eye candy, Internet, and multimedia capabilities more than anything else. But I do miss the ability I used to have with the BB Bold, being able to tap keys with one hand. All too often, the TP2 sliding keyboard becomes a PITA

3) from all that I have seen so far, I am not too impressed with Windows Phone 7. I am not a twiter tweet or facebook user, so not at all interested in all that social junk (guess I am old fashioned, and still prefer to type out whole words and sentences/paragraphs, as well as seeing people face to face). So for me, WinMo 6.5.X and Sense 2.5 is just fine for me. But I DO wonder if and when HSPA+ comes out (or TMo 4G), will the HD2 improve with more speed?

thanks all!!!
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