Originally Posted by DaddyLongLegs
Thanks given, however if you re-read my post you will see I said it has *not* happened until now; the other 8 ROMs or so never gave me this problem.
Also, I appreciate your link, but I still like the flashing green light to indicate a missed call or new text message. I just don't want it blinking damn near 24/7!
My bad... Must've read through your post a little too quickly and mis-read that. I usually try to keep my posts simple without too many details so as not to confuse people, but I think I confused you more than I helped you out...
The incessant blinking light is due to a bad Sprint notification .dll that was inadvertently cooked into Mike's ROM
The post I linked earlier contains the fix allowing you to control when the light shuts off. Install it, then do what monkey4u said and go into the notifications menu and kill all lights until it stops blinking