Originally Posted by akayareal
In all honestly, if they did announce a version with a keyboard a few months after the Evo was released, I would consider getting it depending on how i liked the Evo and if it had better specs, even if they were minor.
I just want the next best thing out when it comes down to it and thats why I really hope this thing will be around $450 with no contract so i can buy one off of ebay and hold my upgrade for the 4.5 inch 1.5ghz WP7 phone (HD3).
So we are on the same page for sure then. I am buying it full retail when it is released, nd if there is a keyboard device announced with similar specs, I will upgrade to it.
I fully expect it to be around $450 full retail too. maybe $500 tops, but certainly no more than that. The HD2 is $450 full retail from T-Mobile, so the Evo can't be too much more.