2.05 is a new bootloader version from HTC, it just came about with this 3.16 leak. It is an MFG not a Shipped bootloader so it also has extra goodies, but that won't be the case with the official shipped rom SPL. 2.40 is the unlocker one to allow custom roms. None of this changes the underlying hardware level factors between devices. One of the most glaring that will definitely cause issues is the ram. They are different devices and the SPL is the lowest level code we see. They are not interchangable for devices even if very similar.
A 2.xx MFG release from htc for a vogue would make me more apt to try the radio as i stated earlier, but still not something i'd recommend for those not willing to own a fancy paperweight.
Note: 3 Color screen is stuck in bootloader NOT "bricked"; just flash a stock rom exe
Touch Custom rom unlocker
Undoing advances in Mogul's since 2007. Titan ReLocker, WM5 roms (don't use w/ gps radio): Telus, TNZ