Originally Posted by Dr.8820
i agree with you jbear. i'm trying to explain the difference between the hd2 and anything not running the snapdragon. some folks post the same ol' same ol' about dead os'es and stuff like that. android, winmo, whatever, if it has a snapdragon processor, you'll know the difference! right now on my tp2, i have 87 mb storage free, 54.57 mb program. on the hd2, 533.28 mb storage and 235.25 mb program left! and it still flies!
and I can understand that the HD2 would perform better under pressure because of the extra ram however the only time i've had ram problems is when running Skyfire which is a notorious memory hog anyway. and slowdown is minimal but yes it happens whereas i'm sure the HD2 wouldn't when there'es several programs running simultaneously