Re: BG4ALL + True transparent task & menu-bars in Sense 2.5 ... BOTH ORIENTATIONS
If you don't use Sense UI/Manila and you just want to use my opacity adjustment tool, I've included it here.
Your stock shell files are still required (check post #2) .. Place them in the root of your storage card and then run "Set Opacity" in the "volDeus" folder of your start menu.
I have included two cabs here ... One with my task-bar refreshing program and one without. If your task-bar and menu-bar show graphics errors when you rotate your screen, use the copy WITH the refresh app.
---- volpe Deus ---- Device: HTC RhodiumW (Sprint Branded) ROM: Under Construction -- Radio: Sprint 2.32.00WF -- PRL: 60660 -- OS: WM6.5 b23554 -- GUI: Sense 2.5.2012 --
Last edited by volDeus; 04-11-2010 at 10:38 AM.