Originally Posted by imnuts
Since people requested these, and I got the files for the updated Arcsoft included in the latest Sprint ROM (thanks Ziggy and blkhwkz), I got around to putting it into a cab today. The only things carried over from the last Arcsoft cabs are the server settings and filesize limits. If someone would want to have all stock settings, just let me know and I can put it together (won't take more than a few seconds), but since everyone seems to think that the file sizes are set to low, and not everyone is on Sprint, I used the old settings. I'm not sure if these do threaded MMS in the WM Inbox or not as I haven't tried them out yet, and I don't have any MMS messages in my inbox anyway, so it wouldn't matter if I did try it. One other change that I made was I set all notifications so that you have all available options (AvailableOptions=15) so that people can set it to have the blinking light if they wish. I also won't remove my previous cabs from my Google site until these are confirmed working (or a week from now, whichever is first).
FAAAAAANFREAKINTASTIC!!!! Thanks man..if you can cab up a full stock version that would be appreciated. Thanks!!!