Re: Who here is waiting on the EVO v2 with a keyboard and better specs?
Seeing how this is a HTC Evo thread and a discussion on whether or not HTC will release a "pro" version with a keyboard, we have to look at HTC's history in the phone game.
Correct me if im wrong with any of my points cause im firing off the dome.
1) Before there was Android, HTC only produced WM phones that are geared for business use. Most of these phones had hardware keyboards because that was basically a standard for WM phones until the Iphone came out which was a full screen phone (not the 1st but the 1st that was in great demand). After the Iphone came out, HTC released the Touch that had no hardware keyboard but wasnt a big hit (i feel it was of the small screen size). They started making a mix of hardware and full touch screen keyboard phones.
2) When Android was came on the market, HTC now had anther OS that was not exclusive to RIM, Nokia, Palm, or Apple that they could build headsets for. They released the 1st Android phone which was the G1 which had a hardware keyboard. After the G1, they have not released or even made any indication that they were making another phone with a hardware keyboard that was running the Android OS.
3) Making the comparison to the TP/Diamond, TP2/Diamond 2 and so on is pointless because these are WM devices and not Android. Just because they do something for one OS doesnt mean they'll do it for the other.
4) Dont hold your breath for another WM phone even though Microsoft has said they will still support WM 6.5 now WM Classic, dont look for HTC to put to much into it. They have already shown pics and specs for a 1.5 ghz WP7 phone with no hardware keyboard.
Hardware keyboards are not dead because of companies like RIM. I personally believe from the pattern that HTC has shown, they are not looking to have hardware keyboards on Android devices. As ive said before, those looking for a hardware keyboard should look to other companies like Samsung to release 1.
Sprint may well release another 4g Android super phone this yr or early next yr with a keyboard but dont look for it to be a HTC device. I would bet HTC wont be making WP7 phones with hardware keyboards simply cause they are not geared towards the business users right now.
I can care less about a new nexus phone if its not a 4g phone personally.
One last note, if this phone is a hit and decide to make a upgrade sporting the same name (Evo 2) then dont look for it for at least 10 months or so after this one is released seeing how this is going to be a Sprint exclusive flagship phone. They may get another exclusive in 6 months or so running WP7 depending on when WP7 is released.
Evo on 3g
