Originally Posted by JQuill
You guys bring up great points. And this may be pertaining to American style market research rather than google in particular, but my point is is that google is taking it to new levels.
I was not aware that google does market research..I think all they do is internal stuff..of course that does stop people for using google's tools for market research purposes.
Above someone mentioned about checking what you do..there was a online market research campaign not too long ago that gave out these devices and paid $100 for people to carry them for 2 weeks I think..the device then transmitted data about your daily activities.
Also bear this in mind people....you know how google has such a "clean" look....that's because they flood the internet with 90% of the ads you see on a daily basis...ALL of those pop up/sidebar/banner ads you see on every single website (including this one) that you hate so much are almost ALL Google ads.
They are not the ones that flood you with ads..usually a 3rd party integrates google feed into their rotation but to maximize on their returns they include other scripts such as popups and etc.