Re: Sizzle? Wha? TFT or OLED Capacitive?
Originally Posted by mmmdieselfumes
So what kind of screen does the HD2 have, capacitive or resistive? Only touch phone's I've had so far was 7 iPhones (which is what eventually drove me into the arms of sprint lol), and 2 Diamonds. I have to say though, the iPhone did have a much better "feel" to it's screen over my Diamond (which I'm still using, though I feel like it's starting to show it's age)...
And also, is the screen going to be covered in plastic or glass? Hopefully glass FTW!
HD2 has a capacitive screen. It's made of glass. The only capacitive screens I can think of on cell phones that are made of plastic are the Palm Pre and Pixi. All others are glass.
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