Originally Posted by tokuzumi
I think if the Evo had an AMOLED screen, Dan Hesse would have mentioned that in the demo in Vegas. And, journalists would have gone nuts over it. They'd probably just type a 50 page column, that says "OMG!!!! The EVO has a 4.3" AMOLED screen!!!" But maybe Sprint has an ace up their sleeve, and that's why they only mentioned screen size....But I would be surprised if the screen is any different than the one that is in the HD2.
So what kind of screen does the HD2 have, capacitive or resistive? Only touch phone's I've had so far was 7 iPhones (which is what eventually drove me into the arms of sprint lol), and 2 Diamonds. I have to say though, the iPhone did have a much better "feel" to it's screen over my Diamond (which I'm still using, though I feel like it's starting to show it's age)...
And also, is the screen going to be covered in plastic or glass? Hopefully glass FTW!