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Old 04-09-2010, 06:50 PM
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Re: [ROM] MyCleanImagio-21874-Sense2.5-CHT-FacebookSense-Apr/5 [Build 1.5]

Originally Posted by m_s_ifland View Post
Speaking of the lock screen, here is one that happened to me a couple times. If you leave it on the email tab and allow the phone to lock automactically, when you press a button to wake up the phone, the keyboard is up on the lock screen, and you can't get to the slider to unlock it, but after about a minute the keyboard goes away and you can unlock it. Strange, huh? I do have several apps installed on my phone so it could be a software conflict somewhere. Not a big deal though, as it goes away eventually. Great rom though, better than the others, I read the threads and it seems as thought they have all kinds of issues with those others. Thanks for you time and work.
cannot reproduce it on mine...
[Carrier: T-Mobile] [Phone: XV6975 (HTC Imagio)] [ROM: MyCleanImagio]
[WM Build: 21874] [Radio: 2.25.00WVL]


Last edited by adortab; 04-09-2010 at 06:59 PM.
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