Originally Posted by kgbcapthowdy
now what if i dont know my MSL, also when the official sprint rom comes out will it put the kernel back to theirs or will my root stay in place? Sorry been dealing with WinMo for 6 years so im just now learning Android lol
1) you can get your MSL either by talking to sprint or, this is how i did it:
download connectbot from the market (free app)
open up connectbot and type:
"getprop" (without the ")
look through all the information it spewed out and look for the 6-digit number after [ril.MSL] - that is your MSL number.
2) the kernel will be back to theirs if you install it - you'll most likely lose root since they typically wipe everything. (you could wait for the 'custom' official 2.1 ROM).