Re: Verizon
Yep, that's been my experience for a long time. I've had countless people tell me it can be done, but it never passed the "pics or it didn't happen" test. The last non-VZW phone I was ever able to activate on Verizon was the SonyEricsson T608 (from Sprint), probably 10 years ago. And then they locked their network down, so once I swapped it out, I was never able to activate it again.
I actually like the TP2 keyboard much better than the Intrepid keyboard. Something about my fingers, I hate the mushy travel and hard tips of those keys. The TP2 is without a doubt the best keyboard I have ever used, even if it takes an extra step to get to it. But I can understand if you jot quick notes, it would be a pain after awhile. Good luck finding something that meets your needs. It's too bad the Saga got panned so hard. There's also the HTC Ozone for VZW, if you can deal with Smartphone Edition (no touch screen, etc.). Other than that, qwertybar smartphones that don't say "Blackberry" on them are a dying breed.