Originally Posted by JQuill
I'm DEFINITELY going android for my NEXT phone, but the HD2 will last me another few years.
I really wish I could use the same phone sometimes. I have gone from Vogue, Diamond, Touch Pro, Imagio, Touch Pro2, now HD2 in the span of 16 months.
Originally Posted by sprintgirl
eat dust ipad. lol
I agree I was at the mall today and checked out the Apple store to see the iPad a.k.a. Maxi Pad, and I was not impressed at all. I think that for that types of device I would want something more capable. I was talking to the rep and said how I was disappointed in the lack of flash and he said that you cant do flash on any mobile phones either, I whipped out my HD2 fired up skyfire and went to Hulu ... he shut up really quickly. If I want a new Slate type device (not sure why I would because I actually love browsing the web on my HD2) I will probably buy the HP Slate when it launches this summer.