Originally Posted by IwireRobert
So has anyone read the post on Droidmod.org? there saying there is no point of rooting 2.1 now i understand you can back track from 2.1 and goto 2.0.1 and root from there but doesnt 2.1 have alot to do with the kernel and what not. I know im still learing a lot about how this stuff is done but it would seem to me there would be a point to rooting 2.1 right? now since droidmod has made rooting your droid a brain dead job i havent been up to date on a lot of other mods out there, from what i hear there is 2.1 update with root? correct me if im wrong please. and if im right what is wrong with it and why wouldnt droidmod use that or say there no point but to rooting if someone has already did it. Im just really confused lol.... maybe someone with more knowledge on this can set me straight.
Sounds to me like the team there is dead. I would move on to those that are providing ROMs instead of excuses.
Rooting 2.1 has already been accomplished and is rather easy to accomplish providing you follow the directions. Look in the Droid development section of alldroid for the sticky of upgrading 2.01 to 2.1. It will provide step by step directions.