Originally Posted by David737
WM6.5 is not reliable with HTC Sense on using 4smartphone Exchange Server and a large contact list. I have 2550 contact (300 friends & over 2200 other data items stored in contacts) and anytime I look at HTC contacts my TP2 locks up and requires a soft reset. If I turn off HTC sense and use Microsoft utilities this is no longer a problem. I hope HTC fixes their memory leak in their HTC sense 2.5 and their contact software.
I am experiencing the same exact problem with a 1500 contact list. I changed the synch settings to desktop contacts ( copied my exchange contacts to the local machineand this did not resolve the issue). I tried WM default and SPB MS and the issues went away, but I want to use the SENSE UI.
When I look at the error log the code indicates Manilla.exe tries locks up the device, when a contact call is made and completed.
My advice is to disable the People tab and create a link to contacts in a quick link or No Cookies cab that allows for multiple screens of quicklinks or speed dial for the most used numbers.