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Old 04-08-2010, 09:53 AM
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Re: Hulu works on skyfire as of 7 April 10

Originally Posted by darnell View Post
It also works with generally available videos from, which plays Hulu videos. But the Comcast customer login link is not working. If the Comcast customer login link worked, Comcast customers WOULD be able to watch HBO and Encore programs and movies without a Slingbox .

I don't know why the Comcast customer login does not work with Skyfire, but I hope they get it working.

On a related sidebar, has anybody figured out how to get Windows 7 Media Center videos on their PC to stream on their HD2 without a remote desktop connection?
I don't believe this is possible. The way windows does Media Sharing is through Windows Media Player, not Windows Media Center (at least the way I've always done it). You have to enable file sharing in windows media player then your computer is discoverable as a media center via Wifi (this is how I stream movies from my laptop to my PS3) , but I don't think that the HD2 can pick up wifi media centers at all as the feature is simple "enabled" in windows media player on the laptop, then you have to have a device that can read wifi media far as I know there's not HD2 app that will let you do it. The PS3 runs all movies without issue is this manner, including full 20+ gig 1080p blu-ray rips.
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