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Old 04-08-2010, 09:49 AM
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Official sense 2.5 ui for verizon on HTC website??

I have the official verizon 6.5 stock rom on my phone but as I understand its only sense ui 2.1

I saw the article that verizon is working on an official sense 2.5 ui update which i am very interested in since i dont really dabble with custom roms. I saw this morning that HTC has a sense 2.5 ui update for diamond 2 and touch pro 2. See attached article:

My question is, is this THE official update and like usual verizon is just slow and has not posted it on their website? Like is was the case with the WM 6.5 update.

If so, could someone also just point out the most obvious differences or benefits of 2.5 so I can see if its worth doing the upgrade? I believe 2.5 allows you to have program shortcuts on the home page. Is that correct and is there more benefits than just that?

Thank you
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