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Old 04-08-2010, 09:28 AM
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Re: [04/07/10]V5 *NEW Purple Haze Preview 6.5.5 23554 Facebook,Reader,Doc tabs, MAX 3

Originally Posted by ModmyPPC View Post
Newbie question here but how do you reformate the SD card?

Do you just remove everything from it?
Here is what I did, and it seemed to work well.

Plug your TP2 into the USB cable. On the phone you should see a white menu pop up asking if you want to connect in Activesync, Disk Drive or Internet Sharing mode. Click Disk Drive (and move quick as this window disappears after a few seconds). If you have never connected in disk drive mode before it might take Windows a few seconds to configure the proper device drivers.

Click the Start button and select Computer to see all your storage drives.
Normally when you connect in Activesync mode you will see your TouchPro2 show up as a portable device, and clicking on it will bring up the devices internal storeage as well as the SD card. When you connect in Disk Drive mode will treat the SD card in your phone as any other external storage device such as a USB key or hard drive. So instead of appearing as a portable device, you will instead see a new drive letter under Devices with Removable Storage (this assumes Vista or Windows 7 - I can't remember exactly how it would display in Windows XP). This is now your SD card.

Go ahead and open the drive and copy its contents to a folder on your PC. You will notice much faster file transfer than if you were to move files while connected in Activesync mode. The downside is Disk Drive mode isolates the SD card, meaning you can't see the phones internal storeage while connected this way.

Once you have backed up all your files, right click on the drive letter and choose Format. I am sure it goes without saying, but take your time to be absolutely sure you have selected the right drive (the drive capacity shown will be slightly less than the technical capacity of the card) The format options should default to "Fat 32" and "32k" for the allocation unit size. Leave those alone. The only other choice to make is whether to peform a "quick format". I suggest unchecking this to allow a regular (albeit slower) format. In my mind this is the best way to thoroughly clean out the card. Once the format is done I suggest doing a soft reset on the phone, reconnect in Disk Drive mode, then copy your files back to the SD card.

Hope this helps. Let me know if anything is unclear.
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