Originally Posted by brownhornet
A ruler that tells us what we can and cant do? Would you rather have a ruler that lies and sends us to war over false pretenses causing us to splurge billions of US dollars every month to "patrol" civilians? Or what about one that literally destroyed our economy and led unemployment to record highs? Or one that bombed Iraq to smitherines and then hired the VP's "former" company to go over there and rebuild... the same company that doesnt even think enough of the US to house their offices here but in Dubai? Please... I could go on for days. That's a change that was NEEDED and comparing that to the iphone is pretty ridiculous.
Im guessing you're a republican... what positive, if ANYTHING did the last president do for this country? Cash for clunkers jumpstarted the auto industry that had US automakers on the verge of bankruptcy. Unemployment is down and more jobs have been created ALREADY than in the whole second term of the "last" president. Universal healthcare is in the works, and more jobs are hiring than laying off for the first time in years... you sound like Rush Limbaugh.. maybe you should do like he said he was going to do if healthcare passed and leave the country.
Oh Gawd... here we go. in a nutshell I dont want a "ruler". The President is in the EXECUTIVE branch... I think todays kids dont realize that. He is not supposed to "rule" anything. The LEGISLATIVE branch are the only ones that are supposed to even remotely resemble a "ruler". This country is a Republic, (not even a democracy), so there should be no one "ruler".
Oh, and I for one think our countries problems began with the lax loaning regulations that were put in motion by President Clinton.
Thats really all I am going to say, because I dont want to get kicked off the forums for political debate. I dont think its allowed here.... could be wrong.