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Old 04-07-2010, 07:45 PM
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Re: ║║ ║Windows Phone®║ ║Sense UI 2.5║

Originally Posted by Curtis8 View Post
Well I have run into my first issue with this sweet ROM. Not even something important, but something I would really like. The issue is with Bluetooth DUN. At first I though it was my computer giving me grief with the "No COM ports available" but then I realized that my phone only has one serial port listed in the Bluetooth manager and it is an incoming port. I expect that I need one out going to make the Serial Modem connection to my computer work. There is no menu to add a new port and Google searches have proven fruitless, so I am asking here what other things I may try. I am going to look through the registry and see if anything there can help me out.


Under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WIDCOMM\BTConfig\Appli cations there exists several keys labeled 0001 - 0009
4 of these keys (labeled 0001, 0007 - 0009) look like this:
"Name"="Generic Serial"
The only thing that changes is the "ComPortNumber" which works out to 2, 11, 12 and 13 respectfully.

It would seem that there are enough Serial ports, so why does only one show up in Bluetooth -> Advanced -> Serial Ports?

Not really sure where to go from here. Any ideas?

I have also tried the USB internet sharing built-in (which would suffice for the time being) but it does not work for me either. My computer makes the dong-dong-dong (unhappy) sound and not the dong-ding (happy, connected) sound, and my phone continues to show "Please check USB connection" on the sharing screen. Then the "ActiveSync, Disk Drive, Internet Sharing" screen will open up (all the while I have not closed the internet sharing screen and I did hit "Connect" before plugging in the cable.

I would prefer Bluetooth DUN, but anything right now will be fine (I do not have WiFi on this computer, so I can only expect that that will work if I had a card... )
Ah, how the worm has turned! I cried when Mike went to the VZW kernel and everyone had BT DUN except Sprint, and now that we're on the Sprint kernel it looks like the situation is reversed. Did you try using the Enable Bluetooth DUN cab in the FAQ? (MordyT graciously linked to the cab just recently.) I think if maybe you install that, and then look at this reg key:


for "ForceCellConnection" and change that from "Sprint" to whatever your Telus data connection is called in the ConnMgr (maybe just "Telus"?) it might work? Let me know!
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