Originally Posted by BBHOLIDAY
Here are some pics. My company black berry doesn't have a good camera so they are kind of blurry.
the side is red, but the battery sticker, and the motherboard sticker are perfect.
It has been wet.
Originally Posted by BBHOLIDAY
I don't care what sprint say about how that sticker works, its basically a way for them to get out of replacing a defective phone. Moister is in the air, i and in your hands. after multiple touches its going to turn colors. the sticker should never be on the side of the phone, only on the motherboard and battery.
(nothing works 100% every time, i.e. condoms)
You've got to really be trying to have that many spelling/grammar errors in one post, I applaud your efforts. That being said, maybe it'll turn green or yellow soon if you keep touching it.