Originally Posted by Gaigebacca
Can anyone help me out with this... I have searched and searched, and have not been able to find a 5 bar signal indicator (stock) for 6.5.x
Not sure I understand what you're asking. The stock sprint rom is 7bar, not 5. I use custom taskbars all the time on this rom. Bilbobrian works good with one registry edit. I can assist if you need help with that. There are others but Vin's current taskbar is accurate for Sprint. I think Telus used 5bar.
Hey Vin, V3 no cookie has been as solid as you can possibly get. Everything works. Arkswitch since the updgrade has never crashed on me. I also noticed that this rom does very well with multiple apps/tasks open. I had Coreplayer on as well as opera mini downloading 2 files, checking file explorer, etc. I tried the same thing running other com2 roms and switching tasks really slows down considerably. I wonder if this is an advantage of Com5? Not sure, but thanks again. I guess we will see if a new sys will makes this rom even better