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Old 04-06-2010, 10:08 PM
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Re: Is sprint deliberately setting TP2 users up void warranty?

Originally Posted by kilmarac View Post
Both of my body and my battery tabs have little red crisscross marks on them since the day I bought them. Now I never paid attention to these, so is that normal, or does that claim moisture exposure?
thats exactly how they should be

Originally Posted by gxnext View Post
I'v been constantly swapping batteries since the day I'v got it (Sept 8th, 2009) and mines is fine. I though about putting tape on it a few times but you have to be careful with the tape because when you take it off it can pull off the "red criss cross stip" btw mines has been thew rain & snow granted I'v tried my best to shield it during those times. but anyway, it really suxz for those of you whom have red strips and don't know why. If mines ever turns red I hope I at least know exactly why so I won't feel like it turned with my normal use.
Honestly, I swap my batteries and soft reset all the time as well and my two stickers are perfect. I'm glad yours are fine and under any NORMAL usage they would be fine.

These people with red moisture indicators are either careless with their phone or got it wet and don't remember/know how. Either way, I really don't see why people feel like Sprint should be responsible for their own irresponsibility with a piece of electronics. I seriously don't think its too much to ask that people be careful with their device.

Helpful Tips: <-- stuff that SHOULD be common sense

1) DO NOT pull the cover off your phone with wet/sweaty hands to the point that you'd turn the indicators red
2) In the event that you do remove the back cover simply DO NOT touch the stickers
3) DO NOT talk on your phone in the rain/drizzle/sleet/snow/ice/shower/bathroom/sauna
4) DO NOT just set your phone down on a surface before checking to be sure that its not wet. (I am willing to bet money that this is the #1 cause of the belligerent people who SWEAR they never got the phone wet.)
Sprint Lead Technician / Store Manager -- Feel Free to PM me if you need anything!
Oh, and NO I cannot reset your upgrade status. Kthxbye

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