Originally Posted by blue_94_trooper
Is anybody else having trouble with haptic feedback? I get it on the menus and the phone dialer but not in messaging (email or SMS) no matter if I use the QWERTY keyboard or the phone keypad. It is definitely turned on in Settings as well as the "Touch Input Settings" w/in messaging.
Didn't have it in 1.4 or 1.5.
Fixed this one myself. I had an old dump of my registry and I compared any settings that had the string "vibrat" in them. I changed two, I'm sure one of them fixed it and the other made no difference but at this point I'm not going to change them back one-at-a-time to find out.
The more likely one was:
HKLM\Software\HTC\PHONE\PhoneExtendSetting\Support VibrateInPressKeyPad
which I changed from 0 to 1
The other I changed was:
was set to 12 with the new ROM but was 28 previously so I changed it to 28.
Anyway haptic (vibrating) feedback has returned to my messaging apps.